Ceremonies pertaining to Birth and Naming of Child
In a Sikh's household, as soon after the birth of a child as the
mother becomes capable of moving about and taking bath (irrespective
of the number of days which that takes), the family and relatives
should go to a Gurdwara with Karhah Prashad (sacred pudding) or get
Karhah Prashad made in the Gurdwara and recite in the holy presence
of the Guru Granth Sahib such hynins as "Parmeshar dita bana" {Sorath
M. 5} (The Almighty Lord has granted support. [Sorath M. 5, Guru
Granth Sahib P. 628]), "Satguru sache dia bhej" {Asa M. 5} (The true
Lord has sent this gift. [Asa M. 5, Guru Granth Sahib P. 396]) that
are expressive of joy and thankfulness. Thereafter if a reading of
the holy Guru Granth Sahib had been taken up, that should be
concluded. Then the holy Hukam (command) should be taken. A name
starting with the first letter of the Shabad of the Hukam (command)
should he proposed by the Granthi (man in attendance of Guru Granth
Sahib) and, after its acceptance by the congregation, the name
should be announced by him. The boy's name must have the suffix
"Singh" and the giri's, the suffix "Kaur".
After that the Anand Sahib (short version comprising six stanzas)
should be recited and the Ardas in appropriate terms expressing joy
over the naming ceremony he offered and the Karhah Prashad
b. The superstition as to the pollution of food and
water in consequence of birth must not be subscribed to, for the
holy writ is : "The birth and death are by His ordinance; coming and
going is by His will. All food and water are, in principle, clean,
for these life-sustaining substances are provided by Him."
c. Making shirts or frocks for children out of Guru
Granth Sahib 's draperies is a sacrilege.